I had a photoshoott\(^^)/\(^^)/
It wasn't like click-click-click, it was more like beep! So look forward to itt\(^^)/lolol
So today!!!
I wrote a long Haro!Moba entryyy
Everyone who's registered for Hero!Moba,
have you opened it uppp???
Please send lots of encouraging messages to the Hello!Radio show「Publicity Meeting」\(^^)/
Well, we already stopped collecting entries for this month though

Something I'm particular about,
it's not a radio show「Publicity Meeting」, it is a meeting, so
we have it in a conference room,
and sometimes people can't appear due to other jobs,
so we're doing it with a real "meeting feeling"! lolol
And so,
we're going to be doing this month's publicity meeting soon, and
you won't believe who can't come because of a job(゜ω゜)
What it means is it's going to become Ha〇〇el radio lolol
It's like Rare Kai, or Hello Drive, it's making me think back to 12ki Nikki, lolol
Please check it out you guys!!
If you haven't listened to the publicity meetings before, give the already aired meetings a listen too, ok\(^^)/
If you're still not a member of Haro!Moba,
go register! lolol
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