Monday, February 26, 2018

2018/2/26 Haga Akane Ameblo - A blog about thoughts on my fufufu yesterday. Haga Akane


This morning, Haga Akane

watched "Kaitou Sentai Lupinrnager VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger"!!!

To be honest~
It would've been fine if I did it when I got home yesterday~

But if I view it as my reward for the day,

it might start to feel like too much or something!!!!

So instead I decided to watch it in the morning, and let it give me the motivation to get through the day炎 was pretty dangerous right from the start again today,,ニヒヒ

Starting from when the 3 Patrangers came(?)
to Bistrot Jurer, and

the part where she was crouching and hiding,

and the part where she suddenly caught a glimpse of #1-san,

and the part where she stuck out her tongue at the Patrangers as they left,

all of those were cute, of course!!

The thing that felt the most amazing to me

was when they lost Goody,

and she took a peek inside the industrial rice cooker they have in the kitchenイエローハートlol

Even when we got food from catering,

I never really saw Kudo-san eat that much (lol)

So this was pretty rareニヤニヤまじかるクラウン

The lines I thought were amazing in the 3rd episode were

ブルー音符That'll get you arrested!!
ブルー音符Where'd you go off to!
ブルー音符But I'm scared of combining and stuff~ Let's go home~~~~~

Something like that!!!!!!

It was so great how she shouted
"that'll get you arrested" from the fenceニヒヒ

Fufufu, hehehehehehehohohohon

And, this episode I was thinking......

I think I get the green guy, #2グリーンハート

I mean! If at a shop I go to every now and then
there was someone as amazing and fashionable and with silky hair and with such a cute voice and mannerisms...

I'd do the same thing!
I'd want to know their number too!

Oh and,
the pom-poms she was wearing on her head in the preview were amazingピンクハートピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート

The length of her hair! It feels a little bit longer than usual! It looks so silky, I think it's a little eye-catching!  And the way her bangs around her right eye have grown a little made me go like, uiiiiiii!!! Also the tips of her hair are the best

The last time I touched Kudo-san's hair

was during Naruchika last year鉛筆鉛筆鉛筆(I'm disgusting)←

I was the one who suggested to Kudo-san
"please do half twintails!", so

I'm the one who did her half twintailsピンクハートピンクハート

Just thinking about it makes me so happyyyy

I think I can watch it live next weekニヤニヤイエローハート

I'm looking forward to it, seriouslyイエローハートイエローハートイエローハート

I'm looking forward to it as much as my birthdayyy
It's 3 days after next week's LupiPat (lol)

...oh, speaking of that!!!

Tomorrow, 2/27,
is the cutoff date for applications for my birthday event注意

I'm relievedd, I remembereddddd

Fu~ Safe, safe~~~イエローハート

Haga Akane's birthday event!

18:00   19:45
The venue is TOKYO FM HALL !!

The deadline to apply is
tomorrow!! 2/27 at 12!!!

I'll be waiting for youブルーハート

Well then
Akanerune(-_-) zzz

Haga Akane

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