Friday, March 9, 2018

2018/3/9 Haga Akane Ameblo - So flattering. Haga Akane


Me and Haachinブルーハート

Purikura is amazing these days.........
It made my eyes so big I got surprised!!

If I were to say this in high school girl speak(?),

"This is so flattering香水アイシャドウ口紅ハートハート"
*that's what they'd say, right←

Lately you've been able to do this with

camera apps, not just purikura, right!

But if you go too far you end up looking like an alien注意

And like
my eyes ended up look so dark (lol)

Oh, the person on my left is my little brother, I posted a different picture of him recently on my blog too流れ星

It's amazing, huh...

The things you can do these days.........

I'm feeling that at 16.

Well then
Akanerune (-_-) zzz

Haga Akane

*This is like some slang girls use in Japanese. It means when you take a picture or wear makeup or clothes or something, and you look better with it than without. So...flattering right?? Except it's slang I guess. If someone has a better idea for how to translate this let me know lol

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