Today's the 20th anniversary of Morning Musume.'s major debut

Every time I hear about the 20th anniversary, I think about this,
be active as a member of Morning Musume. at such a wonderful time...

Getting to celebrate the
20th anniversary of my beloved Morning Musume. together with the members,,,,
I'm full of happy feelings

And, on a day like this,
we had a HelloCon in Nagoya, right.........
When the first song, Morning Coffee(20th Anniversary Ver.), started
You thought it would just be us Hello members singing, but......
Unbelievably, the first generation appeared

The first chorus was just the first generation.
From the second chorus, on
Morning Musume. '18 took turns singing, so it was 18 people.
And then, at the very end, everyone sang together!!!
we were watching closely from the wings,
agh...the tears......I couldn't stop them.........
Right then, at that moment
the Morning Musume. I had always wished I could see but knew I couldn't was right there in front of my eyes...
The fact we could perform together,
the fact we could stand on the same stage,
it was such a blissful time

Nakazawa Yuko-san said,
「The fact that we can appear on TV or perform at concerts like this is all thanks to you. Thank you.」
Hearing her say that,
it made me really, really so happy.
And, I'm
so full of thanks towards Nakazawa-san, and my senpai who started the history of Morning Musume.
To the Morning Musume. of right now,
she gave us a sash to represent our connected histories,
I'm really grateful.
senpai treasured so much,
I'll always wear it on my shoulder,
and, I want to stay connected like that.
my beloved Morning Musume.!!!
From now on too, please,
give Morning Musume. your support!!!!!!!
We're going to do our best!!!!!!
Well then
Akanerune(-_-) zzz
Haga Akane

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