It's Nonaka Miki♡
Today we had another concert in Nagoya

We had a concert in Nagoya yesterday too, so I stayed in a hotel! I shared a room with Kaedii( *´︶`*)
This was the first time we've shared a room

She told me, 「I can't get up early so please wake me up!」
so, I woke her up early ( ˘ᵕ˘ ) lol
Oh yeah, I tend to talk in my sleep a lot, so lol
I tried out an app that records your sleep talking, but when I went to check it in the morning, it seemed like I was too far away so it didn't pick up on anything
! I'll try it again next time( •̀∀•́ )b

I'll let you guys know if I say something. lol
Lately it seems like (though I didn't yesterday),
I say this a lot in my sleep. lolol 

I have no memory of saying it

That's all! lolol
Today's concert was the last time we'll be doing the FULL SCORE pattern's already the last?! I was thinking about that(T_T)but I had fun♡♡

Thank you!
This is random, but do you know what outfit this is
The answer is!
Hana ga Saku Taiyou Abite
That outfit♡It might be kind of hard to tell from this picture, but the sleeves are really cute and fluttery

This song's music video٩( 'ω' )و
You can watch a little bit of it♡
From here

And, our collaboration with Morning Musume. 1st gen, Morning Coffee (20th Anniversary Ver.) has been uploaded too!

I'm going to write about
these 2 in more depth in a later blog!

Look forward to it!
Well then, tomorrow's the start of another week♡
Let's do our best

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