The front cover & first gravure article
are Morning Musume. '18 Makino Maria

Definitely give it a look

Today we had
a dance rehearsal for the spring tour.

I had a voice training.

I had a recording for MariLove.

of the LOVErin mail

Every Tuesday 24:30~25:00
on CBC Radio
『Morning Musume. '18 Makino Maria no
LOVErin Desu

Give it a listen

I'll be waiting for your LOVErin mail

Once again this week
I got to eat beef tongue

Thanks for the food

Tomorrow we have a
『Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2018 WINTER』
show in Sapporo

Thank you for coming

Everyone who came back from Arizona's going to Okinawa

And Maria's off to Sapporoo

PyeongChang 2018
I watched the preliminaries for men's large hill ski jumpingg

Tomorrow, the finals.
I'm cheering them on

From Maria

I've gone to Sapporo for Fighters matches before, like during CS or the Japan series,
but there are days without matches, or days where they get cancelled,
so I went out.
At the museum I rode on a lift.
I saw the green jump platforms

(They weren't white jump platforms

The angle of the jump platforms surprised me

Because they were so steep.
At the museum,
I got to do speed skating.
(Skating while looking at the screen!)
It was really difficult

It might have been because Maria was so small,
but moving from left to right really tired me out

I really understood how amazing the athletes are

I got to try out lots of games

It was so much fun

I pressed a button and a
figure skating video started playing!
I watched the whole thing

I saw lots of Ito Midori

Triple axel.
(My mom told me about the skate rink in Oozu.)
This is a story from 2009/11/8

Elementary schooler Maria-chan
I definitely want to go again sometime

I hope you experience lots of happy things and fun things tomorrow

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