Today's twintails day, huh

I wore twintails too,
for the first time in a whiiiiiile
But it was just by chance!!
I felt like wearing a beret,
and I thought, huh, twintails might look good with this~

...the first thing I talked about
ended up being twintails...
There's something much more important than
twintails day to talk about today

It's Makino Maria-chan's birthday

Happy birthdayyyyy!!!
Her body is so perfectly proportioned,
it's really amazing

She has a small face, and reaaally pretty features

But she says things, like a cat, "nyan-nyan,"
or like a bunny "pyonpyon,"
she doesn't seem like she's 17 on the inside

I can't help but find that
gap to be adorable

I've been really happy lately when Maria comes and hugs me,
and happy because we've been talking about lots of things,
and there have been things Maria's said that really helped me...
In any case, I love Maria

I hope your year is amazing......no,
...this year, too!! Make it a LOVErin year

Speaking of that,
out of all the people to send Maria happy birthday messages,
it looks like Akane was the first!!!
I did ittt!!!!
And after Akane was
Ms. Nonaka...Haachin......so,,,
all of the 12th gen


Well then,
Akanerune(-_-) zzz

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